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Battle Inc. Gaming

Trek 12 Himalaya

Trek 12 Himalaya

Regular price £27.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £27.00 GBP
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  • The first evolving Roll & Write

  • Bruno Cathala and Corentin Lebrat

  • Easy and quick

  • More mountains coming in October 2021!

  • Available on BGA and in your catalogue
    Trek 12 lets you to trek through the Himalayas, opening new routes to the summits.

Trek 12 is a roll-and-write alpinism game, with progressive difficulty levels and more. To score points, you have to create chains of consecutive numbers from 0 to 12 and areas of a same number.

A game is composed of 19 rolls of two six-sided dice, with one die having values from 1 to 6, and the other from 0 to 5. After each roll, the player must combine both die values to obtain the number to place. You can:

  • Add the values of the two dice
  • Subtract the value of one die from the other
  • Multiply the value of the two dice
  • Keep the higher value of the two dice
  • Keep the lower value of the two dice

Be careful as you may choose each of these options at most four times during a game. After placing your first number on the game sheet, you must place each subsequent number in a space adjacent to one already filled. You try to make chains and develop areas. Players also have access to several bonus elements to earn during a game.

At the end of a game, numbers that belong to neither a chain nor an area give you minus points. The same applies if you have to place a number greater than 12...

Trek 12 contains three different sheet pads to add narrative with three progressive difficulty levels

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